Monday, January 14, 2008

We must rid our food of trans fats!!!!

What exactly are trans fats? These are basically highly processed vegetable oils like soy or sunflower oils. Processing is the heating of these oils to very high temperatures and then reacting them with hydrogen, leading to the formation of partially hydrogenated fats.
Why are they used? Firstly hydrogenated fats are easily solidified most common use of that property is in the manufacture of margerine. Secondly they have a much longer shelf life then natural unprocessed oils, that makes it most attractive to all companies producing processed foods, bakery goods and of course all fast food restaurants.
Why are they harmful? The list of their crimes is endless but I'll jot down some major ones! First of all as they are absorbed they interact with the normal fat metabolism interfering with its function in a damaging way. Thus leading to raised blood cholesterol and triglycerides. Both these can result in clogged arteries and increasing the risk of heart disease. Secondly Trans fats also disturb the balance between good and bad prostaglandins in our bodies. Which leads to increase in blood pressure, increased blood clotting, increased inflammatory activity in our bodies and also decrease in natural killer cells which normally help the body fight cnacerous cells.
How to stop their use? The answer to that is the easiest, refuse to buy anything that list hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats. If it's not profitable it won't be used!!! It is always driven by money! These huge corporations don't worry about our health but about their budgets, and they won't stop poisoning us and our kids unless we decide not to fill their pockets!
After all the recent hue and cry about Trans fats has forced some fast food companies to change the fats they use. If we refuse to poison ourselves while making them rich we will force them to stop this madness!!!