Monday, December 9, 2013

Time to regulate energy drinks with high caffeine content.

This fad and hype of energy drinks has made everyone including responsible adults overlook what really these energy drink really have in them. Most of them have caffeine in them and some have extremely high amounts of it. These are sold without any regulation to both adults and kids.
But now a major supermarket chain Morrisons has taken notice and decided to take steps the UK's govt. hasn't. They have announced that they will not sell highly caffeinated drinks such as Monster, Relentless and Red Bull to children under 16 years of age. Bravo!! I just hope someone in the US will also wake up and follow suit. Here is the news piece about it on BCC World News by Emma Brant;

Supermarket energy drink ban for under 16s

Morrisons supermarket has banned children under the age of 16 from buying high caffeine energy drinks.
The staff at some of the supermarket branches will challenge customers to prove their age.
The ban has been brought in because of health fears about extreme-caffeine intake by children with energy drinks.
The restrictions apply to certain brands with more than 150mg of caffeine per litre.
It will affect Red Bull which has 320mg, Monster (338mg) and Relentless (320mg).
Morrisons is the first major UK retailer to ban the drinks.
Spokeswoman Claire Johnson said: "We understand the concern over the potential impact of high-caffeine energy drinks on young people and are taking steps to address this."
The supermarket is trialling the ban in stores in Glasgow, Dorset, Leeds, Cheshire, Staffordshire and Suffolk with a view to rolling it out further.
Earlier this month, a campaign to encourage major retailers to crack down on the sales of energy drinks to children was launched in Edinburgh.
The sale and promotion of high caffeine drinks such as Red Bull is already banned in schools there, under the Schools: Health Promotion and ­Nutrition Act Scotland 2007.
But children can still ­easily purchase them from retailers despite warnings on the cans stating that they are not advised for children. (Complete News Report)

P.S: Want to know how much Caffeine is in your drink? Check here

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